What is a Visual Voicemail and How to Get it on VoIP?

July 30, 2022

A voicemail is a convenient feature of any telecommunication service or device. If the receiver is not present, the dialer can record their message and send it. Later the receiver can hear the message at their convenience while carrying out their daily tasks. This gives both the receiver and sender a window of flexibility. The message is delivered and received without extra hassle but waiting for the response. This feature is beneficial in case of emergency, corporate, and casual communications. However, what if the receiver does not want to receive the voicemail? In that case, they have the option to receive a visual voicemail.

This may seem counterproductive at first. What is the point of receiving a voicemail if you don’t want to hear it but read it? It is helpful if the information in the voicemail is confidential or private. The sender does not have to type the whole message, but the receiver will still receive it transcribed into a written message alongside emails and messages. The receiver will also get the sender details like caller ID, number, and sending time. You get it as an additional feature of your VoIP service, and it comes with a custom dashboard to increase productivity.

How Does Visual Voicemail Work

When you receive a voicemail, it will appear on the dashboard. You can view the dashboard on a PC, mobile app, or smart table phone. You can see the messages in a list alongside all other voicemails, emails, or messages. Instead of dialing the number of the sender to hear the message, you can click and hear or read the message. You can select your response from the same screen. You can delete, save, forward, or reply to the message. You can forward it to any platform like email, text, WhatsApp, or even social media as either a text or voice. You can reply to the voicemail with a voicemail of yourself or through a text.

It is up to you, and freedom is at your fingertips. It basically converts a voicemail into an email which you can either read or hear and utilize however you want. The technology is versatile enough that you can use the VoIP feature through Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and even Huawei Harmony OS, provided there is software available on these platforms for your particular VoIP providers.

How Do I Get Visual Voicemail

Sometimes it is part and parcel of your VoIP packages; sometimes, you can get it as an extra feature. To ensure your needs, if you have to get the feature separately. It will be considered a separate subscription or an add-on to your current package. The service is helpful but not necessary for everyone. If you have the budget for it, then you should get it. Otherwise, you can choose to skip it.


The visual voicemail is a helpful feature but not something you need. It can be helpful if your communications are confidential or private. It is also helpful if someone is sleeping nearby and you don’t want to wake them up from a voicemail. If you need the feature or a complete VoIP service, please contact Tapal VoIP at +1 (832) 315-5752.

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