How to Mask VoIP Phone Numbers to Prevent Lookups?

August 15, 2022

Sometimes you may want to share your number but want to be cautious about it. Your caution makes sense, as you would not want it to get into the wrong hands. Plus, your contact number is private information you would only share with people you are familiar with. If you are using a VoIP phone number for business purposes, then it is more likely that you would not want it to get into the wrong hands.

But what if you have to share your number but do not want other people to take advantage of it? Other businesses can use your number to send you spam promotions or call you at the wrong hours. You can block these spam calls and promotions, but the caller can use another number to call you later. These spam callers never use a real number to contact their targets. They usually use virtual numbers. Therefore they have an unlimited supply. To prevent this inconvenience, you can mask your VoIP contact number.

What is VoIP Phone Number Masking?

Masking a number is a convenient way to use your personal or business numbers through a proxy of virtual numbers. This is sometimes a feature of your VoIP services, and sometimes you will have to subscribe to it separately. The service hides your actual number and displays a proxy number during calls.

You can share this proxy number for incoming calls or use it for outbound calls. Additionally, the user can choose to change the proxy number or remove it. This way, the mask number will not receive any incoming calls, and the real number will stay hidden. You can use the service multiple times, which is great protection from spam.

How to do VoIP Phone Number Masking

The process of masking your Caller ID is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is flow the steps below:

  • Log in to your online VoIP account.
  • If you don’t have a masking service, then subscribe to it.
  • Access the masking dashboard
  • You will get a list of available proxy numbers to select from
  • Choose the number that you prefer
  • Once you select a preferred number, test it by making a call.
  • If the proxy number shows up in place of the CallerID, then you have successfully masked your actual number.

This is all there is to it. With a few simple steps, your personal or business number is hidden from the world.

Prevent VoIP Phone Number Lookup

If you use your number for commercial purposes, then it is highly likely that someone will look up your VoIP number. A VoIP phone number lookup is not as simple as a normal lookup, but there are ways to identify the source caller. Masking can prevent someone from tracing and tracking your number because you have the option to remove the proxy number. If the mask number is not in use, no one can look up VoIP numbers through it.


Your VoIP phone number is an asset to your business. Protecting it from getting into the wrong hands is a necessary practice. If you need a VoIP service for your business, please get in touch with Tapal VoIP at +1 (832) 315-5752.

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