Drawbacks of Landline Phone Services Compared to VoIP

August 30, 2022

In 1978 a revolutionary technology was invented. This technology gave the infrastructure and groundwork for thousands of new innovations. If this technology was not invented back then, we would have never received the internet. This particular technology connected the world and made long-distance communication possible for the common man. We are talking about the Landline telephone. Within a few years, landline phone services were in every household and every business. It became similar to what the internet is today. But since the arrival of the internet, landline technology has become obsolete. The world has moved on, and new, more versatile technologies are present to take the place of landlines.

Today businesses are using VoIP services instead of landline phones. This service is similar but more versatile yet more affordable than a landline. Instead of the generic underground telephone lines, VoIP is connected through the internet. Furthermore, the service is hosted on the cloud for extra proficiency and security. The old telephones were dependent on the connectivity and wires of the telecommunication company, but VoIP depends on a wireless broadband connection. The stronger the internet connection you have, the better VoIP service you can get. The service is popular among businesses that heavily rely on international communications. Learn more about the the detail of VoIP vs Landline below in both pros and cons wise.

VOIP vs Landline



  • It will keep working even during power cuts.
  • Easy to install even for normal people. Just plug and use.
  • No need for any extra connections, just a single landline, and a telephone.
  • Good audio quality and zero lag due to a physical connection.
  • In most countries, the government offers discount subsidies to make it more economical for all households.


  • In case of damages to the wire, the connection will not return unless the service provider repairs it.
  • The installation cost is more than an internet connection or VoIP and even higher for commercial uses.
  • International calls cost more than domestic calls, and charges accumulate every second.
  • The system is unsuitable for commercial use, as scaling your business will only get more expensive.
  • Landline phones can become obsolete in the near future.



  • It can run through a WiFi connection. No wires are necessary unless you need a direct plugin connection.
  • More affordable when compared to landline phone services unless you are getting a government subsidy.
  • Can make international and domestic calls free of charge. Only need to pay for the VoIP equipment and Internet service. Charges don’t accumulate.
  • It is scalable for large businesses. You can start with a single phone and scale whole communication centers.
  • It saves costs on extra subscriptions as you get internet and VoIP on the same package.


  • It relies on the internet, meaning no internet means no VoIP service, and if the internet is bad, the audio quality also suffers.
  • No government subsidy, as the solution is only provided by private companies.
  • You and your team will face a learning curve. If you intend to do the maintenance yourself, then you will need a professional training.


The landline phone services were an excellent tool for home and business use. However, today in comparison to VoIP and Landline, there is no doubt that VoIP is taking over the industry. If you want to upgrade your business with a VoIP service, get in touch with Tapal VoIP at +1 (832) 315-5752.

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